"Quilts from the 1930's"
In celebration of our 30th anniversary, the theme of our Antique Quilt Exhibit will be "Quilt Designers of the 1930's". Featuring quilts that remind us of the ones our Grandmothers made, the exhibit will take you back to the days of patterns found in the newspapers and at the five and dime store- when mail order kits and catalogs were popular and the wrappers from Mountain Mist batting were saved and shared. Curated from the collection of Cindy Claycamp of Quilting Memories. Come join us for a nostalgic tour of these beautiful and unique designs from the decade. Cindy will be offering free tours of the exhibit at 3pm every day during the quilt show. Many of the quilts will also be available for sale.

New for 2020- Free Quilt Kits for Kids
Let's get kids quilting! To continue the love for quilting into the next generation we will be giving away FREE quilt kits to the first 50 kids who stop by our information table on Saturday March 28th! Each kit will include enough supplies for a small project.